I have a bedroom about the same size as my last. Except that it has a WALK IN CLOSET.
I have a wonderful roommate and a wonderful place to live. Except it’s a HOUSE.
I am still a Money Magnet, finding coins everywhere I go. Except the first one I found here was a 20p coin (worth abt 35 cents).
Men still appreciate me when I walk down the street. Except here they are white with fabulous accents. (No, of COURSE I did not turn around and take a picture of the cute men who were hitting on me.)
I got to meet with the Bishop on my first day in the ward. This invitation was extended to me by the ward dreamboat. During the meeting I informed the Bishop I would do all that I could to help the single adults in the ward to get married off.
I practically got to teach Relief Society as I raised my hand repeatedly to correct various pieces of false doctrine which were being taught.
I also got to meet with the Stake President who happened to be in the ward today and who was informed by my roommate that I should be given a stake calling. Stake or ward, it looks like they will be putting me to good use soon! (nursery, nursery, oh pleeeeeese!!!)
Other attractive men came to dinner including one who is going to come and walk me to FHE tomorrow. He’d better, we’ve already gotten physical. (ok, ok, he’s a osteopath and he popped my back. With relish though, I am certain ☺. )
And I found a kindred spirit already, a German gal who just moved into the ward and with whom I am going to put together a single adult conference on dating and male/female relationships.
All in the first day!
So, thus begins a very illustrious and exciting year!
And there you are suddenly on the other side of the world and in another life. I'm so sad I slept in Saturday morning. My run was delayed, of course, but mostly I missed my goodbye CorinaKay hug. So here it is. ;)I-<
so productive! happy first day in London!
good work!!! :)
miss you already!
I am impressed!
First off...LOVE the hair that long! It suits you, you beautiful two you!!
Secondly...I miss you already. For some reason New York still felt close. But then London feels more exciting and somewhere I've always wanted to go (hint hint).
Thirdly...how did I just know that things for you would begin this fabulously? I know they'll even get better. Those handsome Brits aren't gonna know what hit them. Make all us yanks look good ok?
I love you!
That's my girl. Taught her everything I know.
uh oh..for those of you who know me I am sure that is quite a scarey thought. I love you baby and I am proud.
love, the mama
I'm sure no one is surprised to hear you are off to such a great start, serving and making friends. We miss you!
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